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Clear Gloss

Clear Gloss

Firing Range: 1080-1220°C

Product Code: EQB5223

Brand: Cesco

Cesco Brushing Gloss Glaze.
This glaze contains >5% Zinc and <5% Calcium.

Australian Made with local support available

Prior to glazing
Bisque fire the ware to its recommended temperature (minimum 1000oC). Sponge bisque with a damp sponge to remove any dust which may have collected. On narrow necked pieces where a sponge cannot work, use a clean damp brush. Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst handing your work as any grease transferred to the bisque will resist glaze. Although it may appear to cover grease spots when applied, glaze may crawl away when fired.

Application of Brushing Glaze
Once the container of liquid glaze has been shaken and stirred, load your glaze brush by immersing the hair up to the ferrule. Remove the glaze from one side of the brush and apply the fully loaded side to the bisque. As an approximate guide, a fully loaded brush will go about 80 mm before it should be re-loaded. Apply one even coat, let the "wet" look disappear, then apply a second coat in the opposite direction. When the second coat has lost its "wet" look, apply a third coat in the same direction as the first.

500 ML

Code: EQB5223.500

500 ML

$16.15 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 L

Code: EQB5223.1

1 L

$25.20 (inc GST)

In Stock

5 L

Code: EQB5223.5

5 L

$92.94 (inc GST)

In Stock

10 L

Code: EQB5223.10

10 L

$155.55 (inc GST)

Available on Request