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Liquid Quartz Ceramics Sealer

Liquid Quartz Ceramics Sealer

Product Code: CB150

Liquid QuartzTM is a non-toxic, food-safe, water based sealer that allows you to turn your unglazed decorative ware into waterproof, highly stain resistant functional ware. It can be applied to any unglazed, fired clay body, bisque ware, vitrified ceramics, or alternatively fired work to create a completely invisible yet highly effective protective barrier.

Average coverage: 50-75ml/m2. The average bisque fired plate will require less than 15ml of product, (much less for high fired, vitreous works, but possibly more for very porous pieces).

Click here for Application Instructions

250 ML

Code: CB150.250

250 ML

$55.21 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 L

Code: CB150.1

1 L

$167.05 (inc GST)

In Stock