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Anti Set

Anti Set

Product Code: CB10

Sizes available 150mL, 500mL and 1L Jars.
Used to aid suspension of dipping glazes.
When some liquid glazes settle out, particularly over a long period of time, they sometimes set hard at the bottom of the container, making them difficult to re-mix.
Others may settle during use and consequently demand thorough stirring or agitation during the dipping session.
To correct this defect, a flocculent or anti-set solution should be added a little at a time, stirring it in very well until the settling stops.
Add carefully or the glaze will dry slowly on the ware and may cause mud cracking and perhaps crawling during firing.
The opposite effect of settling is when the glaze appears like thin custard and has a creamy feel.
The glaze dries slowly on the ware or peels off during drying.
Some glazes that have a high clay content, or raw zinc oxide, magnesium carbonate, talc, etc., or have had excess dosing of ‘anti-set’ can have this defect.
The cure is to add very cautiously, small quantities of a 10% solution of Soda Ash or Sodium Silicate, stirring well, until normal drying and behaviour occurs.
See how to set up dipping glazes at:

150 ML

Code: CB10.150

150 ML

$8.42 (inc GST)

In Stock

500 ML

Code: CB10.500

500 ML

$18.11 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 L

Code: CB10.1

1 L

$31.75 (inc GST)

In Stock