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Crocus Martis Iron Oxide Purple

Crocus Martis Iron Oxide Purple

Product Code: BA290

Iron Oxide Purple - Iron Sulphate - known as Crocus Martis FeO.Fe2O3 .FeSO4 (BA290)
An impure form of iron oxide / sulphate often producing speckled effects (4-8%)
The final colour obtained with iron oxide varies with the type of glaze, firing temperature and kiln atmosphere.
Iron oxide is also an active flux in glazes and even in small amounts will make a glaze noticeably more fluid.

500 G

Code: BA290.500

500 G

$12.43 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 KG

Code: BA290.1

1 KG

$18.70 (inc GST)

In Stock

5 KG

Code: BA290.5

5 KG

$57.53 (inc GST)

In Stock