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Crack Filler

Crack Filler

Product Code: BA285

Brand: Walker Ceramics

Used to mend cracks in bisqueware. Just mix with water (not too much!) to a suitable consistency to gently push into the crack. Re bisc fire to cure then decorate and glaze if required. Fires to a maximum temperature of 1300C.

500 G

Code: BA285.500

500 G

$18.16 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 KG

Code: BA285.1

1 KG

$29.17 (inc GST)

In Stock

5 KG

Code: BA285.5

5 KG

$104.62 (inc GST)

In Stock

25 KG

Code: BA285.B

25 KG

$356.03 (inc GST)

Available on Request