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CMC - Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CH)

CMC - Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CH)

Product Code: BA215

Used as a base for a brushing medium to impart green strength to brush work and glaze application. As a basic guide use at between 0.5 to 2% on water content. Add to warm water to dissolve and age before adding to a the mix.

250 G

Code: BA215.250

250 G

$15.27 (inc GST)

In Stock

500 G

Code: BA215.500

500 G

$23.89 (inc GST)

In Stock

1 KG

Code: BA215.1

1 KG

$39.59 (inc GST)

In Stock

25 KG

Code: BA215.B

25 KG

$587.82 (inc GST)

Out of Stock