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Alumina Calcined 100 Mesh

Alumina Calcined 100 Mesh

Product Code: BA10

When used as a direct source of alumina in glazes, alumina has the effect of increasing glaze viscosity and firing range and resistance to crystallization.
The crawling tendency of glazes with high clay content is reduced by introducing alumina as part replacement for clay.
A melting point of 2050oC makes alumina useful in batt washes, etc.

1 KG

Code: BA10.1

1 KG

$12.43 (inc GST)

In Stock

5 KG

Code: BA10.5

5 KG

$29.15 (inc GST)

In Stock

25 KG

Code: BA10.B

25 KG

$77.55 (inc GST)

Out of Stock